The voices inside us

" Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience; or the higher or spiritual level of experience. One gives rise to the physical, the other creates the spiritual."

" Miracles are thoughts and teaching resources to demonstrate that giving is as blessed as receiving. They increase the strength of the giver and simultaneously give strength to the receiver."

"The miracle is a service. It is the greatest service you can render to another. It is a way of loving your neighbor as yourself, in which you simultaneously recognize your own worth and his."

"Miracles reorganize perception and place all levels in their proper perspective. They heal because they deny identification with the body and affirm identification with Spirit."

These quotes come from A Course in Miraclesin which it describes what miracles are and their application, being these loving thoughts that we can share and by doing so both parts are strengthened, in addition the mind that is fragmented is healing and in turn the perception that comes from the projection of the mind is transformed, being able to perceive in a more unified way.

Thanks to the latest scientific findings in neuroscience and quantum physics, today it is well known the power of thoughts and how the mind has a tremendous force that can be used to benefit or harm us.

The interesting thing is to realize that we can change the way we think and perceive, it is possible to install a system of thinking different from the one we have been used to, but first we must realize that within us live two voices and we can only serve one, so it is key to evaluate the differences between these two voices in order to make a decision.

The decision is very simple. It is made on the basis of what call is most important to you.

On the one hand we have a voice that is based on interpretations and differences, it is not precise, it is selective, it is unstable and therefore ambiguous, it is a voice that attacks, it subjects us to a tyrannical control because if we do not listen to it, it induces guilt, it advocates inequality and it is judgmental which keeps us limited through thoughts based on fear, exclusion, anger, judgment, frustration etc., and what happens when we listen to this voice is that we repeat stories, patterns and memories of the past, blocking the future.

On the other hand, we have the Voice that speaks for peace and unity, it teaches us to invert our thought system to perceive in a unified and inclusive way, by tuning into it and aligning ourselves with our true nature whose strength and source comes from Love, we can harbor more and more miraculous, peaceful thoughts that help us to undo unconscious fear and guilt from our present, canceling the past and freeing the future.

However, we must take into account that this transition is possible as we observe our own shadow, that part of our psyche that is in darkness (95%), to recognize how and where we project it to the outside world, being able to recognize the error, observing it without any judgment and taking responsibility for it in order to transcend it. Freeing the communication channel that unites us.


Our emotional DNA


Habits that help us to improve and strengthen our relationships